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Cub Scout Pack 345 is a family pack. That means that both boys and girls can join Cub Scouts. Pack 345 was formed in 2018 at the GLOBE Academy to serve youth from the Kindergarten to fifth-grade levels. We draw primarily from the GLOBE Academy, but we also have scouts from other Decatur, Tucker, and DeKalb County schools. Just into our fifth year, our Pack is one of the largest in Atlanta. As parents, we understand that our kids have multiple commitments with extra-curricular activities, family, and other obligations. Our main goal is to ensure our Cub Scouts have fun while learning valuable skills that will serve them throughout their lives.  We do this by teaching our scouts outdoor skills, sportsmanship, teamwork, citizenship, and more. Some of my favorite things that I did with my daughter as a Tiger cub were the Fall campout with the campfire skits, hiking, fishing, and archery. The Springtime rockets outing is always a favorite for the kids.  

Who can join Cub Scouts?  

Any boy or girl between the ages of five and ten years old. Usually from Kindergarten to fifth grade. 
If you have a child that is between 11 and 17 years old, we have Scouting BSA Troops that we partner with that I am happy to get you in touch with. 

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DID YOU KNOW?  Scouts are twice as likely to earn a college degree compared to those who were never Scouts.

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When do we meet? 

We usually hold our monthly Pack meetings at the Upper Campus of the GLOBE every 60 days. for a Pack meeting. The Pack meeting is where all the Dens come together to plan for the upcoming events and have a fun activity as a Pack. Pack meetings are on Sunday afternoons and last no longer than 2 hours. The Cub Master is Chris Stevens, 404.374.2115,

Our dens meet at different times of the month based on the schedule set by each den leader and the scouts’ parents. Dens typically meet 1-2 times per month. The Den meetings are where the kids do their advancement work. This includes field trips, learning, and just having fun.  

For those new to Scouting, the Pack is the large group comprised of all our Scouts, while dens are smaller groups of scouts based on age/rank. As a general principle, if the schools are not in session, we do not meet for meetings. This could be for bad weather, holidays, or summer/spring/winter break. However, over the summer, we do have some outings scheduled.

Our Pack is supported by our adult volunteers made up of parents of our scouts and their families. However, with new Dens forming and joining 345, we will always need a new group of volunteer leaders at the start of every year. Please consider serving!

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How much does it cost? 

Scouting has fees for membership and activities. The national registration fee is $105*. This includes a one-time joining fee of $25 and an annual fee of $80**. For only $15 for the year, Cub Scouts may subscribe to Scout Life magazine. The annual activity fees for Pack 345 are $150**.
*Price subject to change / **Effective August 1, 2023

Reach out with any questions. I look forward to welcoming you to our Pack!   

Cubmaster - Chris Stevens

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